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Water monitor

Tropfen fällt ins Wasser

Mobile sensor systems to monitor the quality of water

Two internationally renowned Saxon research institutes, namely the Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measuring and Sensor Technology Meinberg e.V. (KSI) and the Chemnitz University of Technology, are working together on reliable monitoring systems to analyse the quality of water on site.

The KSI's task in this cooperation project is to develop sensors to detect heavy metals in water. The project includes the development of a mobile monitoring system that enables continuous on-site monitoring of the quality of the ground and surface water in terms of compliance with the maximum thresholds for the concentration of heavy metal contamination in water. This mobile system does without labour-intensive, costly and usually discontinuous laboratory methods.

The Chemnitz University of Technology is responsible for developing heavy metal-selective nano-sensors to detect harmful substances such as lead, chromium and cadmium in water on site. The aim of the project is the development of a mobile, nanocrystal-based sensor system that can be used for mobile on-site monitoring of the quality of the ground and surface water with respect to heavy metal thresholds.

This project is co-financed by tax revenues on the basis of the budget resolved by the Saxon parliament.

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