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© Fraunhofer IVI

"AMSEL – autarke Mikrosiedlung für energiebewusste Lebensweise" (self-sufficient micro-settlement for an energy-conscious lifestyle) focuses on a topic that is becoming increasingly popular in Germany – tiny houses. In the course of this project, an experimental platform for networked micro-settlement structures based on tiny house concepts will be developed in Mittweida, central Saxony. Integrated and shared district storage systems permit a needs-based and largely self-sufficient supply infrastructure for this fledgling type of housing.

This pilot settlement provides an opportunity to test new utilisation concepts, optimise the building’s energy infrastructure and establish the "Living Lab" as a demonstrator for modern, multifunctional timber structures.

The project therefore develops the potential of developing attractive living and working spaces for a well-educated generation of young people in the countryside.

The parties to the project, under the leadership of the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI, address the following key research areas:

  • settlement-wide, self-sufficient supply with a high utilisation ratio of solar power,
  • stable communication network and automatic load management,
  • architectural and constructional design of the tiny houses with integrated supply technology functions, and
  • production and manufacturing technology for tiny houses as modular timber structures with solar-optimised cubature.

The houses are to be built from modules by medium-sized Saxon craft and industrial enterprises.

The project consortium received a government grant of around € 389,000 from the funds of the simul+ future initiative to realise the project.

Contact person:

Elke Sähn

Wissenschaftskommunikation und Design

Fraunhofer-Institut für
Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI
Zeunerstraße 38, 01069 Dresden

Telefon 0351 / 46 40 612
Fax 0351 / 46 40 613 

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