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Artificial intelligence in agriculture


Skalenübergreifendes Wasserstress-Monitoring für landwirtschaftliche Flächen zur Optimierung der Bewässerung


Digital agriculture

The tremendous speed at which technical developments are taking place in the fields of sensor technology, robotics, automation, artificial intelligence and big data creates a wide range of new opportunities in agriculture.

The networked use of data, for example, opens up previously unheard of possibilities to interconnect business processes, even across different companies, in a highly effective way and to develop much more flexible added value ecosystems on the basis of added value chains.

The creation of the EXPRESS regional test field in Saxony allows agricultural enterprises to establish, test and evaluate the basis for the interaction of existing technical infrastructures with new technologies, methods and products.

The project is led by Professor Bogdan Franczyk and Dr Ingolf Römer from Leipzig University.

The Federal Ministry of Nutrition and Agriculture (BMEL) supports the project within the scope of the test fields.

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